Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Different Focus

Wagon and lilacs.

I'm going to try to shift my focus just a bit today.

I'm not going to weigh myself. I'm becoming a bit obsessed with the number on the scale each morning, and while I think I still want to use my weight as a measurement of progress, I don't want it to be the daily end game. So I'm going to try to stay off the thing for a week, and instead focus on how I comport myself each day. My old resume says that I am a "results oriented individual," but this isn't job hunting... it's life hunting. And the results aren't up to me, only the work. So, I think I'll concentrate on the process for a while and let the chips fall where they may. For instance, I had a fine breakfast a few minutes ago of yesterday's excellent stew, a chunk of good local bread, and a few grapes. When I began to feel full, I stopped eating and put the leftovers away. When I feel hungry again, I'll drink a glass of water or sugar-free sweet tea (steeped with fresh mint - yum), then wait at least a half an hour before eating. Then I'll stop eating again when I'm not hungry. That takes a bit of a change in my habits, as I need to eat more slowly than usual if I'm going to use hunger as a portion guide. So I have to take my time. I don't work today, so that isn't too tough. When I'm working, I have to pre-portion correctly because there really isn't time to pay much attention. And I'll put in considerable exercise today... it's time to hit the gym for some weightlifting again. I can do a lot more physical stuff than I could even a few months ago, so I have to make sure that I push it just a little... my tendency is to let it ride easy and just sort of marvel at how good it feels to have regained a measure of fitness. I'm not in a shape that is anywhere near where I want to be, you see. I have made excellent progress, but I want to achieve much more.

So that's today's plan. I have chores and obligations, but I'm happy to take care of them, as that kind of thing adds to the blue sky of the day considerably... and the sky really is blue today; it is a pristine Montana spring day out there and I'm going to go get me some.

Tom Waits sang, "We're chained to the world, and we all gotta pull."

I don't mind.

Steve "Big Daddy" Hodgson
June the eighth, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Great work (AGAIN) Cracker. I'm partly cloudy again.
