Monday, June 7, 2010

Blue Sky On A Cloudy Day

US highway 89 South.

It's been a good week. I have a new rating system for my weight loss... I'm color-coding each day on the worksheet that I made to keep track of my weight. Blue for "blue sky," the best kind of day: no eating derailments and exercise. Yellow for "partly sunny": good eating day with no exercise. Grey for "partly cloudy": imperfect eating day with exercise, and dark grey for "hurricane": big eating breakdown with no exercise. I had a partly cloudy day on the first of this month, but the past five days have been blue sky all the way. I'm going for a full week of blue sky.

I feel good physically, too. My exercise has been solely in the form of walking this week, and I'm really enjoying it. Got the ipod going, good shoes, and a small town to peruse... and spots of nice weather here and there. Plus the whole place smells like lilacs and sweet pine. Yesterday I walked to work and back (maybe three miles round-trip), and today I'll walk downtown to do my banking and hit the library... even though the weather is mildly crappy with a twenty percent chance of repugnant later in the afternoon. Later this week I'll add weightlifting back into the routine. My energy is good, my general mood is mostly bright, and I'm losing weight again.

I've been making my own food again, too. I love to be in the kitchen puttering, and it is an interesting challenge for me to learn to cook differently... paying more attention to the fat content of what I make, plus learning that I don't need to make enough food to feed an army. My crock pot has seen a lot of use lately. Chicken, pintos, low-fat chili... plus (outside of the crock pot) tortillas, avocados, nuts, and lots of salads. Today in the crock: garlic, onion, fresh-roasted green chili, cilantro (from my window), sweet corn, chicken, and chicken stock that I made last night. This evening I'll add a masa roux and a little low-fat sour cream. Stand back. The kid can COOK.

It's almost time to weigh in for the day. I'm waffling a little on whether or not I want to weigh daily... I'm trying to concentrate more on the color I get to put in the little box each day. If I eat well and exercise, my weight will go down. I'm not sure if I need to check it every day. Maybe weekly? I don't know. I'll keep weighing every day for now, but I'll be thinking about it. Gotta go now... the daily walk awaits. Gonna get me some blue sky on this chilly, cloudy day.

Love and joy to you all.

Steve "Big Daddy" Hodgson
June the seventh, 2010
264 pounds


  1. Hey Big Daddy! Just wanted to say I'm loving that you're blogging again. I missed you:) Any thoughts on sharing some of your recipes? I try to cook dinner every night but run out of ideas often. Your meals sound healthy and delicious. Would love to try some of them! xoxo Katrina

  2. Sal:

    Ok, so for the record, your picture looks freaking amazing. I've seen you really big, really skinny, and really lots of other things over the past 25 years. Your attitude is also something I've never seen in you/coming out of you before. I have two friends right now that are inspiring my ass into the gym every day. Both are from my Seattle days and I literally wouldn't recognize either of you on the street.

    Anyway, I'd say weigh in daily only if you're not going to beat yourself up every day. Your attitude is really driving things and, for completely selfish reasons mentioned above, I'd really appreciate if you didn't fuck with it. Ok? Body weight is only part of the picture and daily differences can be huge and not reflect the big picture.

    The color coding sounds like its a much better feedback system and will get you closer to your goal. Sounds like it will also keep you healthier and happier, which is what this is all about, right?

    In the end, its your call. Do what you need to do and think is right. That much has gotten you this far. Dig?

